a website by a Leong

Browsing Posts published in December, 2003

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Well, I just finshed watching Battle Royale II. I’m not going to spoil it here for those who haven’t seen it but eventually will, but I will say that it was different from the first. It was a good movie, but things were different this time around…can’t say that this film had the same spark as the original. Fukusaku also has some pretty strong anti-American/anti war comments in the movie. Almost went a little overboard with them, at least I feel. Anyways, I’m sure within a few weeks after everyone is back in Bloomington, the HRC, my Japanese class, and anyone else who wants to will have seen the movie, either getting it from me or elsewhere, and I can say more about it then.

In the world, there is the winning team and the losing team. Which side are you on?

Tomorrow (er…tonight, I suppose) is New Year’s Eve. Hard to beleive it’s already that time again. I’ll most likely watch Iron Chef on TV, then go out somewhere.

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As much as I was thinking of sitting at home New Years Eve, not working, and watching the Iron Chef tournament marathon, this Forest Park ’04 Eve Party sounds interesting….and free also.

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When will I ever learn? It’s about 5 AM here in StL, and I have a dentist’s appointment at 10. I really should be sleeping, but instead I’m sitting here on the computer. Oh, tomorrow’s gonna be a painful one. Maybe I should just stay up all night? Nah that never works.

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Man I’m bored. Although it is nice having cable stations that I don’t get at IU. Just watched Unscrewed on TechTV, and next it’s time for some Iron Chef on the Food Network. Ah well. I suppose I will work a bit more on the website, then maybe sleep. Final Fantasy X-2 has been pretty good so far; a bit of a change from good ol’ X, though.

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Well, X-mas (and my birthday) have come and gone. It was a good year. I got a PS2 game and a nice wad o’ cash. I also think that I was able to get Japanese to work here on the Blog, so I can rant in both languages. The encoding is EUC-JP, so you should hopefully be able to view it like any other Japanese web page. Sorry to those of you who can’t read Japanese…. Please leave me some comments because I’m bored and stuff….and no, Nick, that doesn’t mean fake comments from Professors

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