a website by a Leong

Browsing Posts published in March, 2004

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Looks like I’ve got everything set with my Blog/FTP again. Before spring break, there were problems after my server was moved/upgraded, but things seem to be in order now. Japan was awesome. I’ll try and put some pics up sometime, although I’m not sure when that is. I’ll most likely be doing to fall study abroad program in Tokyo, which will basically be a semester off. I don’t even really need the credits there to graduate, although I will be able to finish off my EALC Japanese major/BA.

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Don’t read this unless you want to hear a lot of complaining…

So, I spent all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday finishing up the first Hoosier Date? episode. And by that I mean leaving the office at 4AM, 11PM, then 6PM. It’s fun, I enjoy doing this, but I am going to have to cut back on IUSTV stuff a lot. And that leads me into the next sparkle of joy…. I had another Stats exam today. Nothing like one of those to ruin your entire day/week/life. If I don’t ace the rest of this course, then there goes graduating in 4 years (well, maybe not that bad). Times like this I wonder why I’m a business major, since about half of these pre-req classes make me want to die. If I can make it to I-Core, I’ll be happy. (>__<)

So, studying…I always say that I’m going to start doing that, but I really have to now. Getting a C or worse on an exam isn’t the way to do it… I won’t be surprised if today’s stats exam if on the low end of the pole. On top of that, I’m exhausted of everything. Tokyo Spring Break couldn’t come at a better time. Ah, nothing like doing horrible on an exam when you know if you would have actually worked at all in the last few weeks you would have been ok…….

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