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Browsing Posts published in July, 2004

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My laptop just got delivered!

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It’s been a long week filled with the I-Core Red Case. Had to research and do mock business consulting for a Russian Ice-Cream company called Ice-Fili. That’s all said and done. I think our group did really good; the judges had lots of nice comments afterwards. Took Saturday off, and starting Sunday I will be seriously studying a lot for I-Core finals. I can’t wait until Japan….maybe I will be able to relax for real.

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It was storming pretty hard when I woke up. It’s over now; I had a good lunch; I took a good nap. Time to get stuff together and drive back to B-town I guess.

St. Louis Retrospect

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It’s been a fun weekend. Sat around at home, watched movies with the family, went to Crestwood, saw Spider-Man 2 (awesome movie) with the Brink and Meg, went to St. Louis Bread Company (called Panera everywhere else), and just took it easy for a bit. It’s been great. Planning on waking up tomorrow, having Cecil Whitaker’s pizza for lunch, then driving back to Bloomington whenever I feel like it.

Things are noticeably different here (well, it’s been 7 months)…a lot of people are gone, or at least not as close as before. It’s definitely not high school anymore. I’m looking forward to finishing college (wow, seems a bit premature, doesn’t it?), getting some kind of job, and coming back to St. Louis every once in a while to check up on stuff. In the meantime, gotta get back to B-town to study hardcore for I-Core (that rhymes), and work on IUSTV stuff until Tokyo.

Also: I made Meghan’s AIM profile list of “things to be thankful for” (I even got #1!); so that’s good. Are you reading this, elf? Good times.

Homeward Bound

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I’m burning CDs and packing up stuff to go home tomorrow for the weekend. Haven’t been back to St. Louis since January; I’m looking forward to relaxing a bit, although I am going to take some of my I-Core materials to do some work also.

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