I hate you SBC
So I ordered phone service and DSL from SBC about 2 weeks ago. No DSL yet, so I called to see what was going on. Turns out that my apartment isn’t eligible for DSL since there are too many people nearby with it or something. SBC, of course, didn’t have the decency to contact me and tell me that I wasn’t going to be able to get it. yarg. So I got this local phone line now for nothing, and there was a $50 setup fee, which they won’t give me back. I hate you SBC.
Called Insight to order cable internet. They’ve got a deal so it will be cheaper than I expected. I should have just gone with them in the first place and gotten some TV. Anyways, I guess everything will be OK, except it’s going to take a week for them to come and install the internet for me. Pain in the butt, especially since the wireless I was stealing from a neighbor started going out last night. I guess I’ll be at the library more this week…