Ideas always come to me when they shouldn’t
I know my domain name hasn’t been re-registered yet (why is it taking so long, Supreme, I figured I’d write a quick entry. You can all read it when my website actually works again. I took Alicia’s advice and pretty much didn’t do any IUSTV stuff all day. In fact, to recover from the past week (or two), I didn’t do anything all day. I slept in until around 1PM, surfed the internet for hours, watched some TV, ate an entire Pizza Express Big Ten in two sittings, took a nap, and didn’t even leave my apartment except about an hour ago to take out some trash and get some books out of my car. I have a big group project I need to work on before I meet with my group at 10AM tomorrow. This may very well be the first all-nighter for schoolwork on a Saturday night ever.
So yeah, my idea. I’m going to make a sort of promotional video-type thing, showing behind-the-scenes type stuff at IUSTV. Working title is Inside IUSTV. I’m going to start with (a pilot, in a sense) the new Read studios Open House, and just pretty much show it off to everyone in a 22 minute special. Originally when I was thinking to myself about this (lying on the futon and watching Fresh Prince), it was just going to be a one-shot video, giving a tour of the new digs, interviewing people, etc. Then I realized that everything I wanted to put in it and do, such as interview every Exec and Producer, every show host/anchor, etc, would take way too long to make an attention-holding show. SO, I decided, I am going to do this first one and see how it goes, and if it works well, I will do one for a bunch of other shows. I figure I can put these out every month at the least, possibly more. I will take care of most of it myself, but will definitely get other people to help me out. This will give me a good chance to show off the station, get more (hopefully) people to want to work at IUSTV, and also take care of my editing bug that hasn’t been satisfied in months.
With all the other stuff I’m doing, if I can put out a show monthly or bi-weekly at the station, maybe others will wake up and say “Why can Anthony do it pretty much by himself, but our team of 15 can’t?” Not wanting to sound arrogant, but I think I can do it. And yes I realize this might be easier to make then, say, an episode of Unlocked, it will be fun and that’s the main reason I want to make it. I can take, for example, a DVD of the Inside IUSTV: Open House at Read, home over winter break (yes, I am planning on getting it done by then), and show it off to people at home. I’ll start planning this soon, but for now I have to work on this marketing project for class…