a website by a Leong

This page hasn’t been totally abandoned, just pushed to the side.
Some content hasn’t been completely moved over/updated yet (pictures, old blog comments, etc)
from the old (pre-Wordpress era) site but should be in the somewhat near future
maybe, kind of, possibly, eventually.

Leong smash

Welcome to my page of absolutely nothing. There is no guarantee that anything here is relevant, interesting, or educational. In fact I’d be surprised if there is anything of the sort.

This site was originally at However, I forgot to renew the domain name, and a cybersquatting company called ENOM stole the domain in order to put advertisements there. So now this site is THELEONG.COM. It’s now been many, many years since moving to this domain, and to be honest I think it’s even better than the old one. Let’s hope I never get this one cybersquatted though, because I don’t know what I would come up with next. Maybe  Also I redesigned the whole page in March 2010, finally ditching Blogger and moving to the much more trendy WordPress, which I use as a CMS for this entire excuse for a homepage.

This page is always under construction, and by that I mean I usually forget about it.

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