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When you have an exam the next day, and you haven’t studied a whole lot yet, there’s always that one phrase in the class syllabus that just makes your day.

“All examinations are open book and open notes.”


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Finally got around to dropping my L101, intro to guitar, class. Funny how I dropped it because I was too busy to practice, then I ended up being so busy that it took me an entire week to get to the right offices to actually drop the class. I’m not sure if that’s irony or one of those words that I don’t use correctly, but I guess it just shows that I really don’t have time to practice a musical instrument. Let’s not talk about talent though.

I always talk about how I’m really busy, and in reality I guess I am. Sometimes. I also tend to slack off a lot, however, wasting huge chunks of time watching TV, playing on the computer, or playing video games. I guess everyone needs their recreation. Classes thus far into the semester don’t seem too bad; I think I’ll be able to keep up just fine, studying and actually doing some work for them. I really am glad that I’m done with (most of the) prereqs, and that I actually get to take classes in my major. Isn’t that supposed to be the point of having a chosen major anyway? I’m going to try and keep myself at the library at least twice a week. Having to go to a campus computer to use the SPSS program in my M342 class for the homework due twice a week will be my main motivation to get my butt up there. Oh and of course the view.

Also, I got my IES grades back today. Well not physically, but they mailed it to my house and I had my mom read them to me. I got all ‘s except for in my History of Tokyo class, where I got a B, so that’s pretty good I think. I’ll be I could have gotten a little higher in that class if I wouldn’t have turned my (poorly done and hardly researched) final paper in like a week late and a few pages too short. Haha. Oh and Seth, if you get even close to what grade I got in Social Org, I am going to murder you dude. “Seth, just please turn in A paper.” Haha

Business as usual

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Just when I started having fun, seeing all my friends in Bloomington and stuff, classes had to come and ruin it. First day of school today. Actually it wasn’t *that* bad, but it’s the principle of the thing. I went to Parking Ops this morning (after going to RPS by mistake), to get an E parking permit to compliment my god-like DP that I get to use for IUSTV. I get to park pretty much anywhere, even the Reserved spaces. So anyways, I didn’t even think that there would be a line, but there was: that meant I was about 15 minutes late to my first class of the semester. Oops! What am I, in Japan or something? haha

After that class and G202 after it, I had a nice break at home. Went to dinner with Seamus, Sam, and Elliot at Read. Oh man I forgot how horrible dorm food is. I had this thing that was made of fake eggs and mashed potatoes called a fritia. Tasted like plastic. The best part of being there was running into JIMMY JAMES! Here’s how our quick convo went:

Me: Heeeeeeeeeey! How’s it going?

JJ: Hmmmmmm, NOT very well actually.

Me: It’s been a while!

JJ: Yes, that was good.

Me: What? No way, whatt’re you talking about?

JJ: (mumbling something)

He needs to be nicer. Not sure why he hates me so much. Oh wait, I’m friends with Frank, haha! After that, a really short guitar class, then IUSTV stuff at the office. That was about it.

Does whatever a spider can…

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Fairly eventful day means a fairly long blog post. Endure through it and read if you like.

Started off going out to Kaihim to start working on the Spiderman movie for Jissen Nihongo class. We planned on meeting and starting at noon, but of course the time kept getting moved back and we really ended up meeting around 3. First thing we had to do? Why, create Captain Kougai’s (the villain) costume. Basically, he had a claw and helmet made out of aluminum foil, shoulder pads made of plastic bottles and duct tape, and a cape made of a bedsheet. He’s supposed to be a trash/pollution monster, after all. For the 20 minutes we spent on making the costume, it looked kind of cool. Kind of a backyard wrestler or something.

So we filmed most of the Spiderman movie. Derek’s Spidey costume definitely draws a crowd. I think we’re going to have to film at school on Monday to finish things up, and also to draw big crowds of girls again, haha. Taping and everything went pretty well for how unprepared and unorganized I was. The only problem with the late start was that, since it’s winter, the sun went down around 4 or 4:30. Meaning that we were filming the fight scene as the sun was setting. By the time we were done and packing up, it was dark. Hopefully it will look decent (maybe make it look like the fight took a long time?) Not like I’m going to re-do it.

After that, went to Sega Land for a bit, then Outback with everyone for dinner. Man those ribs were good. Also, since I had no money and couldn’t cash traveler’s cheques today (no ATM card yet after the whole Monday fiasco), it was a good chance for me to pay for everyone’s food with a credit card. Then I got the cash. Bingo.

That was about it I guess. This upcoming week is gonna be a lot of editing in the SALC.

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Professor Aoyagi’s page for Anime class paper:

(The link is for myself and a few others; too lazy to put it on my links page)

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Starting tomorrow, I’m beginning work on a short movie. It’s technically supposed to be for my Japanese class, but I’ve got too much of a video/TV itch right now to let it just stand at that. It’s going to be a parody of Japanese super heros (like Kamen Rider and Power Rangers), with a recycling theme (have to have that for class).

Final Cut in Japanese might be interesting…

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