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Turned in the case this morning with my team. Phew! Now with I-Core over, I see why it is the main attraction at our business school. It really was a good experience, and the case is definitley intense. I’m not going to be one of those guys saying “oh, business school is so hard, better than everything, blah blah blah,” but I will say that I-Core is tough. Mainly the case, just because you have to do it all in 9 days. Anyone who says that business school is cake needs to go through the I-Core Final Case.

And with that, I begin the countdown. 5 more days until I leave Bloomington (wish I had more time). Then I’ll be leaving for Japan on August 23rd. I’ll be in St Louis in between. Are you ready?

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The case continues….

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Ops is over.  Marketing tomorrow; Finance and Strategy after that…

I’m becoming used to being at the library very late in the night/early in the morning.

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I just finished my last Ops lecture, and I’m in the library again.  I’ve been averaging about 4 hours a day or more here, for the last 4 days.  Hopefully it will be worth it and I can do decent on my finals next week.  Then I’ve got a 1 day break in Baltimore for the L’arc concert, then back here for a week and a half of “the case,” which means (probably) a lot of work in a concentrated amount of time.  Then I have about 3 days to pack up everything, go to St. Louis for a week, and head to Japan.

This next month is going to fly by.  Leave me comments.

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It’s been a long week filled with the I-Core Red Case. Had to research and do mock business consulting for a Russian Ice-Cream company called Ice-Fili. That’s all said and done. I think our group did really good; the judges had lots of nice comments afterwards. Took Saturday off, and starting Sunday I will be seriously studying a lot for I-Core finals. I can’t wait until Japan….maybe I will be able to relax for real.

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I-Core started up today. It’s lectures right now, but I think once we start doing projects it will be a bit more exciting. Rubinstein is a funny guy. He’s a large man who used to be a motivational speaker, if that gives you a general idea of what he might be like. His favorite thing is to call us all “Kelleys,” and say stuff like “Kelleys don’t skip class.” Finance was a bit boring, but I’m going to try to keep up.

The new place is really nice. It’s odd having a big place like this to myself (well, not all to myself; I’ve got John Ho staying here for a few days). I’m thinking it’s good to at least have someone else here, otherwise things might get too boring. If you’re in Bloomington, come drop by!

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