Rarely updated, rarely disappointing

Browsing Posts published in December, 2004


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Pictures of the new Rider show (starting late Jan 05) are slowly starting to be released. Oh man I can’t wait to watch this show. The Rider, Hibiki (Drumbeat Demon) is supposively based on the Japanese God of Thunder and has a demon inside of him or something like that. Looks cool.

It’s always hard to say goodbye…

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…to a place like Y’s. It’s 2500 yen nomihoudai/tabehoudai will be forever remembered by the A-Team, familiars, and probably even a few scabes. We’ll be there next week for the Sayonara Party, but it won’t be the same. Maybe I can get in sometime when Blanchard and Kieran are here.

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Snippet of an IM conversation I had with Sunny about the IES Photo Slideshow video I’m supposed to be working on:

her: you should use some sad songs since we will all leave and probably won’t see each other again.

her: (although i know you don’t like some ppl in IES and are very happy to see them leave)

me: i wish there was a song titled “good lord i hate you all”

me: hahahaha

her: there is a song called “I will kill you”.


Yep, I was right

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…about Premiere being a pain in the butt. Basic stuff is fine, but trying to play with chroma key, etc is proving to be a real time killer. It also doesn’t help that the program is in Japanese. Oh well a few more hours here in the SALC, then go home, sleep, and wake up at the crack of dawn to go to my last day of high school work. Hallelujah!

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I put up new pictures last night. Spent yesterday at the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka. Did you know they made a 14 minute short movie about the Cat Bus from Totoro? Like a special episode or something. Got to see a baby Catbus, the whole family (including a CatTrain), and the old grandpa Catbus who was like a space shuttle. Awesome.

Ate Yakiniku for dinner. Mii’s mom took us all out. Oh man I must have eaten half a cow. I might write more about yesterday, but right now I have to get going to SALC to start ediitng. I’m late the the time I reserved the editing room; hopefully I can still use it some this morning.

Illegal games!

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Albert tested my PS2 with Brian’s help the other day, and the mod that I did on my PS2 the day before I left for Japan did indeed work. That means I’m gonna order a whole bunch of burned games and play them over winter break. Narutimate Hero 2 here I come!

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