07 Final Vent

Last night, Saturday, I went to a party hosted by a friend from high school. Of course, there were tons of other people I graduated from high school with there too. It was pretty fun seeing everyone – it was also strange in a way because a lot of the evening seemed like it could have happened 6 or 7 years ago. No one seemed to have changed a whole lot. I guess that’s good…right? I mean, once we all got through the “what are you doing these days” talk, it was just like old times. A lot of those guys still hang out with each other – I wonder what my life would have been like if I would have stayed in St. Louis. Not just Japan, but going to school in Indiana separated me a bit. No regrets, just a though. Time warp experiences will do that to you.
I also figured out it’s a lot easier to introduce my job as “teaching English to a bunch of old businessmen in Japan” than just saying “teacher,” to prevent people picturing me as a high school teacher and having to re-explain later.
It was a pain getting to the party, though. I was all set to go thanks to Google Maps, but then I found out that a major bridge along my path was out. Apparently the bridge has been out for like a year, but of course I didn’t know that. So I ended up taking a different way that was only slightly different. I’m in the general area, looking for the right street. It was like Winter Garden Avenue or something, off of Winter View. I made 3 wrong turns that night, onto streets like Winter Valley, Winter Grove, and Winter River. That’s right. Every street in the area started with Winter! Talk about terrible city planning. I found out later that it’s because there is a huge park in the area named Winter Park, but still, come on!
I’ve noticed it’s a lot harder for me to blog while at home (my parents house), even though I’ve got more free time than ever and spend a lot of days sitting around and watching TV. I think with so many people around all the time, I can’t collect my thoughts as much as usual. No absolute self-reflection time to compile the rambling dribble I usually come up with. In other updates, pizza is awesome and I wish Japan had Cecil Whitaker’s or even Uno’s.
Tomorrow is New Years Eve and I don’t feel like going out at all. Does that mean I’m getting too old? I guess last year I stayed in too, but that was in Osaka after eating an illegal amount of food at the shabu-shabu place.
Remember the slam dunk I scored on Costco getting the new iPod for –$50? Well, Costco got me back pretty good on Christmas. I kind of forgot until just a few days before about my birthday. I mentioned it, and my family, who apparently also forgot, figured we would get a birthday cake for the big family gathering/dinner. It would just be another dessert on top of the ridiculous pile of Christmas cookies and cakes we already had begun accumulating. We were going to get a Costco cake, so I told my parents to just get something funny, like a clown or Ninja Turtles cake or something.
So Christmas dinner comes and ends, and the cake comes out. I haven’t seen it yet, but I got a good surprise when this gets put in front of me:
Apparently when I said “get something funny” they figured a rainbow would be good. I think my mom didn’t realize that a rainbow could have some other meaning. My dad was either being a jerk or didn’t realize it either. Well, it was funny, but in a different way. Haha. My cousins and everyone got a good laugh out of it. I kind of wish that they would have chosen the “umbrella” or “cross*” that were some of the other options on the order form.
Also, I don’t know if you can tell, but the part of the cake with the lettering was also drooping. So Costco must have been still bitter about giving me the new iPod, and retaliated by giving me a lopsided gay cake. I guess it tasted good though. So take that Costco!
*My brother said that if we had the cross cake, we could have drawn me hanging on the cross. Real P.C., hahaha.
Merry X-Mas, Happy Holidays, etc.
I’m getting old.
I forgot to post this before, but it’s from my visit to LA in October. I was driving around with Joey and Kyle, maybe near Beverly Hills, and we saw this dude walking on the sidewalk. Judging by his gear, he may very well be the King of All Hobos. But he’s dressed like a normal guy. It’s this contradiction that makes it all the more ridiculous.
Click on the image below to see the full picture.
I’ll bet you weren’t expecting that. I know I wasn’t.
Today was a fairly busy day. Hit up the Lumbini Indian buffet with Blanchard, then did more shopping for gifts to take home. I’ve spent more this week on other people than I would usually spend on myself in a whole week or two. Ran some more errands all afternoon, then headed to Makuhari. Saw Miyoko who’s working at some shop that sells funky Christmas hats and clothing for miniature dogs, then went to Hana no Mae with Andy. That kid is mad sweet. For real. It’s actually hard to explain, but the guy is just awesome.
Right now I’m supposed to be packing, but I’ve spent a long time tonight sitting around watching Iron Chef episodes. And speaking of Iron Chef, I randomly checked Iron Chef Sakai’s blog (he is a pretty hardcore blogger) and saw a picture of him at the gym. It’s pretty surprising. I guess you don’t think about an Iron Chef pumping iron.
I need to be at Narita around noon, so I’ll probably leave my place at 10 or 10:30. Not packed at all yet, but I’ve got piles of stuff on my floor waiting to be Tetris-ized into my suitcase. Will be in St. Louis for X-Mas and all that. If you’re around, hit me up.