a website by a Leong

9,9 busta a rhyme

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Well hey what do you know? I think fall is finally here! The weather this morning was a brisk 75-ish degrees Fahrenheit, with relatively low humidity and a nice breeze. Compare that to the usual summer weather conditions of over 9000* degrees with 1000% humidity and constant sandstorms. OK I guess that’s a slight exaggeration – the sandstorms subside every afternoon for a 4 hour acid rain shower. But at least this morning I got to come to work without smelling salaryman BO all the way into Tokyo. Ding dong, the summer is dead! (I hope.)

More on Japanese seasons in my next post.

* IT’S OVER 9000!!

Phantom with ghost sandwiches


It’s already September (say do you remember)!? Time seems like it’s been going by pretty fast recently, almost entirely due to working every day then having a pretty full schedule every weekend. A week goes by like nothing, but I haven’t decided if that’s good or bad.

I’m enjoying work a lot more than I guess I originally thought I would, with the worst part still being the long hours. I technically work a normal 8 hour day (or less), but with the hour+ long commute it feels like I’m working 12 hour shifts. I usually get home after work, relax just a little, then have to go to bed soon after so as to not sacrifice precious hours of sleep. Then I wake up and head back to the trains to go to work. But enough about that.

I saw a movie over the weekend, 20th Century Boys (20世紀少年). It’s based on this super popular mystery/sci-fi comic book which I had never read. I’m not going to go into any of the plot details, but it was a pretty sweet movie spanning several decades focusing on a creepy cult leader intertwined with a group of people who went to elementary school together. Yet somehow the movie makes sense. This is the first of a trilogy, and even still it was 2.5 hours long. It was entertaining, but still, this is getting ridiculous. Why are movies these days so long?? Even Dark Knight, which I loved, was way too long. I’d rather directors cut out some of the unnecessary action scenes or some of the retarded CG sequences and leave the movie at an hour and a half. 2 hours is acceptable, but anything longer than that is painful. Come on!

I’m still waiting for fall to fully kick in and cool this country off.

Could it be…

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We’ve had a few days recently of not-totally-balls-hot weather, and I’m getting hopeful. Is summer just about over? Seriously that would make things absolutely amazing. If I had to choose between sweltering heat and cool rain/overcast, I’d have to go with the latter. Mainly that’s because I’m tired of riding on hot, gross trains to and from work. Right now in Tokyo it’s 73 degrees F, slightly windy, and feels great outside. I know that this is mainly just because of all the rain we’ve been having, but if summer is wearing down I’m all for it.

Since I’m blogging already I might as well diverge into other random babbling. Nothing super interesting during the weeks following Obon Vacation, just working and not getting enough sleep at night due to watching TV and playing on the internet. On Saturday there was a Farewell Party for John who’s leaving Chiba after about a year. It was pretty good; a huge party of mostly people I didn’t know, but at least I commandeered a table for the few that I did. It doesn’t feel like it’s been a year since John got here. I think time is passing pretty quickly, which in a way is bad because I need to figure out exactly what I’m going to do with my life (been thinking about this a lot recently).

I know I don’t want to live in Japan forever, but the question of the moment is how long will I actually be here? And while I realize that a job isn’t the most important thing in life, in reality that’s going to be the deciding factor of where end up living. I guess if I could find a good job in the US I could move back, but I don’t know where in the US I would want to live. St. Louis would be good because my family and a lot of friends are there, but overall I feel like there’s not much else there for me. Japan/Tokyo is very comfortable right now, but I think it’s still different enough for me to have a slight sense of adventure living here. Maybe I’ve been living in too much of a dream world and need to get back to reality. Whether or not reality lies in the US I don’t know, but I need to kind of think what my next job will be. I suppose it’s time to start thinking of a career and some long-term goals, neither of which I have at the moment.


2008 JLPT App

2008日本語能力試験 受験案内 - Japanese Language Proficiency Test

I haven’t really decided (or thought too much about) whether or not I’m going to take the JLPT (日本語能力試験) this year, but I bought the application packet anyway. Instead of having a modern application system, like say, on the internet, you have to actually get this 500-yen packet at a bookstore, fill it out, and send in your complted documents via snail-mail.

Anyway, for anyone else taking it (I know a few of you are), here are some of the specifics for this year’s exam:

  • Test date: Sunday December 7, 2008
  • Application Period: Aug 1 (Fri) ~ Sep 12 (Fri) (SOON)
  • Cost: 5500 yen + 500 yen application packet = 6000 yen
  • Test results announced: Mid-Feb 2009

That only applies for people IN JAPAN. I don’t know about if you’re doing this in a different country. Here’s the official site.

If I end up taking it, I’m highly doubtful I would pass unless I seriously started studying ASAP. I passed Level 2 last year, but Level 1 (top level) is quite a jump up. Here’s the official description: The examinee has mastered grammar to a high level, knows around 2,000 Kanji and 10,000 words, and has an integrated command of the language sufficient for life in Japanese society. This level is normally reached after studying Japanese for around 900 hours.

Yeowch. 2000 kanji!? 2-kyu only required 1000! That in itself will probably bone me. I’ll try and look at the sample exams from previous years sometime soon and see if it’s even worth applying. If it’s a total loss I’ll just sell my application packet to someone else. If it seems like it might be possible I’ll give it a shot, since they only offer the test once a year (for now).

Blogs I wrote about 2007’s JLPT: Part 1 and Part 2


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Summer vacation has come and gone. Well, I still have tomorrow off, but then it’s back to regular work on Monday. It will be a very painful Monday morning, I’m sure. Yes, I had a week of summer vacation, to coincide with the Japanese Obon holiday, a period when most of the country goes back to their hometowns to hang out with their dead ancestors. Or something like that. A lot of people get off for only a few days during this period (if at all), but luckily I got the full week.

The break was pretty good, and by that I mean extremely relaxing. It reminded me of my days of being semi-unemployed, which is not a bad thing at all, except for whenever I realized this was only temporary and that I’d be going back to work soon. I tried to sleep for pretty long if I didn’t have any plans, which was pretty much every day. The few days I had any scheduled plans, those were in the evening, so it didn’t really matter much if I woke up after noon every day. I woke up a few times around 10 or 11, and would just lay in bed watching TV for a few more hours, possibly falling in and out of sleep during that time. That description of my week off sounds like I have some kind of horrible disease*, but this was probably the best way I could have spent my summer vacation. Sleeping and hanging out. I watched a lot of TV of movies, played a decent amount of video games, and even got to read some actual books. OK, and comic books also.

I’ve realized recently that I am really boning myself during the work week by not sleeping enough. I’m still in the bad habit of staying up until 2 or 3AM, which doesn’t work too well when you have to get up at 7-ish every morning. I think as soon as work starts back up, I’m going to try and sleep a lot earlier every night. This way the mornings won’t be quite as painful, and I can read or play DS on the morning trains instead of desperately trying to get a few scraps of sleep here and there. Since I’m almost always standing up, this obviously doesn’t work so well. And even if I get some sleep on the trains I usually feel so drowsy at work that the entire day is just shot. I need to try and fix that and actually get my brain running at full speed all day. My life will be so much nicer once the weather gets back to liveable conditions. The heat and humidity is still terrible. Once that clears up things will be much, much easier.

1 more day of freedom.


Time for one of the obligatory “oh my god Japanese summer is so hot” posts. Because it is so (expletive deleted) hot! Seriously, summer here is probably one of the worst experiences a foreigner can have on this little island. I guess the heat is fairly comparable to everywhere else I’ve lived, but the humidity really does you in. On top of that, you walk a lot more here than in the US, and even trains and stations aren’t always that great on the climate control. This, of course, means that when you arrive at work in the morning, you already have the sweat and stench of someone who just ran the Boston Marathon. That is, if the Boston Marathon took place on the sun.

The humid conditions outside make commuting or even just stepping outside a chore, and with my new hour+ long journey to get to work in the morning, the first leg of my day is usually the worst. I’ve quickly adapted to the Japanese salaryman routine of wearing a short-sleeve business shirt and carrying my jacket folded over my arm/briefcase. On the train I alternate between sleeping and using a fan while looking like I could pass out at any moment. I also have gotten really good at hurriedly putting on my tie either right before my stop on the train or in the bathroom of my office lobby. There is also the constant search for a seat on the crowded trains, which I was going to write about when I realized I already have.

Mornings suck.

Thankfully my office is nice and air-conditioned, meaning once I actually get to work and cool off with my Dragonball fan, I’m good to go. It’s just the coming and going that’s a pain, because the sun and humidity turn the Tokyo streets into a wavy, brightly-lit wasteland that I try to avoid as much as possible. At night, the temperature goes down considerably (maybe a whole degree even), but the humidity remains. With any luck, summer should start transitioning into fall by mid-September, meaning life will be about 50% less painful, and I’ll just have the constant lack of sleep left to worry about.

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