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I hate you SBC

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So I ordered phone service and DSL from SBC about 2 weeks ago. No DSL yet, so I called to see what was going on. Turns out that my apartment isn’t eligible for DSL since there are too many people nearby with it or something. SBC, of course, didn’t have the decency to contact me and tell me that I wasn’t going to be able to get it. yarg. So I got this local phone line now for nothing, and there was a $50 setup fee, which they won’t give me back. I hate you SBC.

Called Insight to order cable internet. They’ve got a deal so it will be cheaper than I expected. I should have just gone with them in the first place and gotten some TV. Anyways, I guess everything will be OK, except it’s going to take a week for them to come and install the internet for me. Pain in the butt, especially since the wireless I was stealing from a neighbor started going out last night. I guess I’ll be at the library more this week…

Business as usual

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Just when I started having fun, seeing all my friends in Bloomington and stuff, classes had to come and ruin it. First day of school today. Actually it wasn’t *that* bad, but it’s the principle of the thing. I went to Parking Ops this morning (after going to RPS by mistake), to get an E parking permit to compliment my god-like DP that I get to use for IUSTV. I get to park pretty much anywhere, even the Reserved spaces. So anyways, I didn’t even think that there would be a line, but there was: that meant I was about 15 minutes late to my first class of the semester. Oops! What am I, in Japan or something? haha

After that class and G202 after it, I had a nice break at home. Went to dinner with Seamus, Sam, and Elliot at Read. Oh man I forgot how horrible dorm food is. I had this thing that was made of fake eggs and mashed potatoes called a fritia. Tasted like plastic. The best part of being there was running into JIMMY JAMES! Here’s how our quick convo went:

Me: Heeeeeeeeeey! How’s it going?

JJ: Hmmmmmm, NOT very well actually.

Me: It’s been a while!

JJ: Yes, that was good.

Me: What? No way, whatt’re you talking about?

JJ: (mumbling something)

He needs to be nicer. Not sure why he hates me so much. Oh wait, I’m friends with Frank, haha! After that, a really short guitar class, then IUSTV stuff at the office. That was about it.

Back in B-town

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Moved back to Bloomington yesterday, with the help of my parents and their Honda mini-van. I had that thing and my car both packed. I brought a lot of stuff. Anyways, the apartment (at Woodbridge) is a lot different from what I expected, pretty much all for the best. It’s further north as opposed to right near Marsh (and the train tracks) like I was thinking. No problem there. It’s a lot bigger than I expected. At least it seems like it. Especially after coming from Japan (see my comment from the mall about how stores in America seem huge); I seriously think that my apartment would be about 10 times as big as my dorm room from Japan. Around 700 sq ft total, if you people actually know about how big that is. I sure don’t.

I’m still working on unpacking and setting stuff up. Although when packed into 2 cars, it seemed like I have a huge amount of stuff, when moved into a big apartment it becomes pretty apparent that I’m a big lacking, especially in the furniture department. To remedy this, I got a (double) bed from some guy who was selling it on the OneStart classifieds. Next step is a futon, which I’m getting via the same methods. Hopefully I can get that this weekend and have my living room set up ready to go, at least for the most part. Now I just need some more bookshelves or something.

Things in Bloomington are good. It’s really nice to see people, especially ones that I haven’t seen since last May. I mentioned to my dad on the ride here that it doesn’t seem like I’ve been away for 5 months. I think everything’s starting to blend around in my head. Time’s losing its definition and clarity for me. OK that sounds really weird, I think I’m just retarded.

I’ve gotten e-mails from Sayoko and Mii. I haven’t replied yet, mainly because I’m too lazy to read a long e-mail in Japanese, then even lazier to try and reply in Japanese. I’ll get around to it soon, just because well, I’ve got to. I guess it’s going to be good practice for me to keep my Japanese up. I’m not studying it anymore at school, and if I want to keep this language up I’d better use it some more. I’m still playing around with the idea of heading back this summer, for an internship or something. If I can find some company that will pay for my airfare or housing (or both), then I’m game. Actually, before I left, Shin-san at IES told me about this World’s Fair-type thing they’re having in Aichi-ken this spring/summer. And Nick did some research tonight, and apparently they do indeed pay both airfare and housing. This might be my summer plans right there…

OK time to try and set up some more stuff. My apartment still looks boring and naked. Time for me to ruin it with posters and thumbtacks. Time to make it “Anthony’s new apartment.” Hoo-hah.

Change of plans

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I was planning on driving out to IU on Wednesday, but it looks like I’m going to be changing it to Thursday now. Weather forecasts for B-town and St. Louis both show rain (possibly freezing) from now until Wed, so Thursday looks better. Just so everyone knows.


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Earlier this evening, I got around to beating Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Oh man what an awesome game. Took me around 21 hours of playtime to beat the thing, but it was worth it.

Now, to add to my list of things to do: do somethin awesome and get the nickname “Big Boss.”

While I always tell myself that I don’t want to be “like that,” I must admit that after going to Crestwood Mall today, the differences between America and Japan really hit me. I dunno, just everything seemed different. Maybe it’s because I haven’t really done much since I got back (aside from sleeping at weird times and playing Metal Gear 3), but wow: I’m not in Japan anymore.

Rather than make this some kind of long, boring essay (let’s not forget how lazy I am), here’s a quick list of things that were blatantly different. Actually, it’s a top/bottom 6 list of things, starting with “ya so what” to “oh man lets go back NOW.” It was originally going to be 10, but I can’t think of any more right now. I know it just sounds like a lot of complaints, but c’mon: Japan was a blast and I’m still in that high. Not that I hate America or anything stupid like that, but things are definitley a different world.

6) Things were dirty here. Maybe it’s just Crestwood, but everything was kind of dirty and unkept.

5) Arcades here suck. I instinctively went to checkout what games they had, and the place was totally empty, with lots of empty room, no good games, and only like 2 crane games (can’t hold a candle to the UFO Catchers).

4) Stuff’s a lot cheaper here. I was used to seeing CDs for 3000 yen and DVDs for 5000. I walked into a place today and the cheap DVDs were like 10 bucks. Score one for USA.

3) Stores are huge here. I guess the stores in Japanese malls like LaLaPort really were smaller than here.

2) Drinks are huge here. I ordered a regular from a coffee shop and it looked like I ordered a barrel of coffee. I ordered the large in Japan and it was about half that size.

1) No hot Japanese girls in skirts and boots! Even though like half of the time in Japan, they were ugly from the front, it was always nice to see that everywhere.

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