a website by a Leong

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Snippet of an IM conversation I had with Sunny about the IES Photo Slideshow video I’m supposed to be working on:

her: you should use some sad songs since we will all leave and probably won’t see each other again.

her: (although i know you don’t like some ppl in IES and are very happy to see them leave)

me: i wish there was a song titled “good lord i hate you all”

me: hahahaha

her: there is a song called “I will kill you”.


Yep, I was right

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…about Premiere being a pain in the butt. Basic stuff is fine, but trying to play with chroma key, etc is proving to be a real time killer. It also doesn’t help that the program is in Japanese. Oh well a few more hours here in the SALC, then go home, sleep, and wake up at the crack of dawn to go to my last day of high school work. Hallelujah!

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I put up new pictures last night. Spent yesterday at the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka. Did you know they made a 14 minute short movie about the Cat Bus from Totoro? Like a special episode or something. Got to see a baby Catbus, the whole family (including a CatTrain), and the old grandpa Catbus who was like a space shuttle. Awesome.

Ate Yakiniku for dinner. Mii’s mom took us all out. Oh man I must have eaten half a cow. I might write more about yesterday, but right now I have to get going to SALC to start ediitng. I’m late the the time I reserved the editing room; hopefully I can still use it some this morning.

Illegal games!

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Albert tested my PS2 with Brian’s help the other day, and the mod that I did on my PS2 the day before I left for Japan did indeed work. That means I’m gonna order a whole bunch of burned games and play them over winter break. Narutimate Hero 2 here I come!

Does whatever a spider can…

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Fairly eventful day means a fairly long blog post. Endure through it and read if you like.

Started off going out to Kaihim to start working on the Spiderman movie for Jissen Nihongo class. We planned on meeting and starting at noon, but of course the time kept getting moved back and we really ended up meeting around 3. First thing we had to do? Why, create Captain Kougai’s (the villain) costume. Basically, he had a claw and helmet made out of aluminum foil, shoulder pads made of plastic bottles and duct tape, and a cape made of a bedsheet. He’s supposed to be a trash/pollution monster, after all. For the 20 minutes we spent on making the costume, it looked kind of cool. Kind of a backyard wrestler or something.

So we filmed most of the Spiderman movie. Derek’s Spidey costume definitely draws a crowd. I think we’re going to have to film at school on Monday to finish things up, and also to draw big crowds of girls again, haha. Taping and everything went pretty well for how unprepared and unorganized I was. The only problem with the late start was that, since it’s winter, the sun went down around 4 or 4:30. Meaning that we were filming the fight scene as the sun was setting. By the time we were done and packing up, it was dark. Hopefully it will look decent (maybe make it look like the fight took a long time?) Not like I’m going to re-do it.

After that, went to Sega Land for a bit, then Outback with everyone for dinner. Man those ribs were good. Also, since I had no money and couldn’t cash traveler’s cheques today (no ATM card yet after the whole Monday fiasco), it was a good chance for me to pay for everyone’s food with a credit card. Then I got the cash. Bingo.

That was about it I guess. This upcoming week is gonna be a lot of editing in the SALC.

Fantastic Four movie….

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Had no idea they were making this. Maybe that’s what I get for being in Japan. Jessica Alba is playing Invisible Woman, and the bald guy from “The Shield” is The Thing. Wasn’t he also The Commish?

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