Inconsistently crappy since 2003

First post from Japan

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I’m here, I’m safe. Staying this week at the Wakamatsu Honten in Narita City, near the airport. On Saturday I move into my dorm, which is in Ichikawa City. It’s probably going to be between a 40-60 minute commute to class everyday, which seems somewhat standard among all the other IES folk (and Japanese people as well). Good thing about living in Ichikawa is that it’s also equidistant from Akihabara (and then the rest of Tokyo). So, weekends will be fun as well. I don’t have internet access right now, but as of Saturday or Sunday I should. Monday I’ll be getting a cell phone. Leave me comments here on the blog; I’ll be posting more and etc after I get internet access. Hope everyone is doing well in the states.

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I’m at home in St. Louis. On Monday I’m getting on an airplane and heading for Japan. After I finally get settled into my place there (should be a dorm, but with a bunch of businessmen in it), and have Internet, I can start posting weird stories about Japan here onto my Blog. Hopefully pictures as well. Go ahead and start commenting here, if you haven’t.

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All the ladies are impressed with my Hello Kitty chewable vitamins.

Isn’t that right, Michelle?


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Turned in the case this morning with my team. Phew! Now with I-Core over, I see why it is the main attraction at our business school. It really was a good experience, and the case is definitley intense. I’m not going to be one of those guys saying “oh, business school is so hard, better than everything, blah blah blah,” but I will say that I-Core is tough. Mainly the case, just because you have to do it all in 9 days. Anyone who says that business school is cake needs to go through the I-Core Final Case.

And with that, I begin the countdown. 5 more days until I leave Bloomington (wish I had more time). Then I’ll be leaving for Japan on August 23rd. I’ll be in St Louis in between. Are you ready?

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The case continues….

L’arc~en~Ciel Live in USA

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Arrived in Baltimore Saturday morning after no sleep the night before. As soon as the cab pulled up to the convention center, I saw the little cosplay kids walking around. Scary. But I’ll talk about Otakon later on. (so many dorks) For now, let’s move on to the main event: the L’arc concert!

Took about 2 hours waiting outside in the heat and surrounded by cosplayers, then another 30 or 40 minutes inside watching promos/advertisement for Fullmetal Alchemist. Finally, the show began. L’arc started off by playing Kiss (接吻), creating a wall of flames up to the ceiling. Randomly, they would talk to the audience between songs. Some highlights:

hyde: “Are you having fun? Me too. Did you eat crab? I ate crab.”

ken: “Who am I?”…”No! I am dolphin”

tetsu: “Do you want to eat my banana?”

hyde: “I am Evangelion…going berserk!”

The best was when the performed “Ready Steady Go.” Rather than starting it by saying in English “are you ready?” like usual, hyde yells at the top of his lungs “Are you FUCKING READY!?” twice. It was great. The song sounded more grungy and hard rock than usual; it was awesome. Anyway, I dunno what else to type right now. Overall, it was an amazing concert, pretty much perfect. Almost every song I wanted them to play, they did (including Driver’s High, Stay Away, Blurry Eyes, and Heaven’s Drive). The otaku didn’t even mess it up at all.

The official L’arc page has some pictures up already.

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