I haven’t really decided (or thought too much about) whether or not I’m going to take the JLPT (日本語能力試験) this year, but I bought the application packet anyway. Instead of having a modern application system, like say, on the internet, you have to actually get this 500-yen packet at a bookstore, fill it out, and send in your complted documents via snail-mail.
Anyway, for anyone else taking it (I know a few of you are), here are some of the specifics for this year’s exam:
- Test date: Sunday December 7, 2008
- Application Period: Aug 1 (Fri) ~ Sep 12 (Fri) (SOON)
- Cost: 5500 yen + 500 yen application packet = 6000 yen
- Test results announced: Mid-Feb 2009
That only applies for people IN JAPAN. I don’t know about if you’re doing this in a different country. Here’s the official site.
If I end up taking it, I’m highly doubtful I would pass unless I seriously started studying ASAP. I passed Level 2 last year, but Level 1 (top level) is quite a jump up. Here’s the official description: The examinee has mastered grammar to a high level, knows around 2,000 Kanji and 10,000 words, and has an integrated command of the language sufficient for life in Japanese society. This level is normally reached after studying Japanese for around 900 hours.
Yeowch. 2000 kanji!? 2-kyu only required 1000! That in itself will probably bone me. I’ll try and look at the sample exams from previous years sometime soon and see if it’s even worth applying. If it’s a total loss I’ll just sell my application packet to someone else. If it seems like it might be possible I’ll give it a shot, since they only offer the test once a year (for now).
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